Title should be meaningful, indicative and less than 40 words.
Abstract body should cover Introduction, Aims, Methodology, Results & Conclusion. This should be less than 250 words.
Last date for submission of Abstracts on IFNRCON 2025 website is 15th December 2024.
Independent jury of experts will review all abstracts.
Presenting authors of selected abstracts will be informed by email. They will have to submit their E-Poster presentation (.pptx file) on IFNRCON website. Schedule for the same will be informed in due course.
Judges will evaluate the presentations and 3 best posters will get a certificate and cash prize of Rs 7,500 / Rs 5,000 / Rs 3,000 respectively.
Delegates will get to view all selected posters throughout the days of the conference.
All selected abstracts will be published as a supplement in the Journal of Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation