Indian Federation of NeuroRehabilitation is excited to welcome all to the mega multi-disciplinary academic event for neurorehabilitation specialists – The Asia Oceanian Congress of NeuroRehabilitation 2021 (AOCNR 2021).
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned this event to a virtual format and has given an opportunity for many neurorehabilitation professionals from around the world to be a part of this mega academic event, where world leaders in the field will be part of the faculty. The AOCNR organizing team has made every effort to ensure that the most relevant topics and trends that are likely to change the face of neurorehabilitation in years to come are covered by eminent faculty who are at the forefront of research / work in that area.
The Conference will be preceded by a day of workshops where delegates can get hand’s-on view of various state-of-the-art techniques in neurorehabilitation. Highlights of AOCNR2021 are symposia, guest lectures, E-Posters, Quiz and even a Public Forum for all NGOs and patient support groups to join forces and share / disseminate knowledge amongst the patients and caregivers.
We hereby invite all professionals and agencies that are stakeholders in patient care and rehabilitation to join this interactive event, enjoy the academic feast and make it a grand success!!

Organizing Chairperson

Organizing Secretary